BJP is losing the perception game. Why?

There are bloggers who’ll take pains to list and discuss individual events (and non-events) and facts and alternative facts to justify their point of view.

I’m a product of to-the-point writing, knowing the average reader is well read and well informed. I don’t believe in the verbose approach. Everyone who reads a blog has already consumed tons of information on Social media, TV and WhatsApp groups – whether facts or fake news. Everyone is “well informed” – despite the fish market like cacophony on most (if not all) of these platforms. I prefer to state the analysis or, even, just the conclusions and let the reader judge whether it fits his or her perception.

bjp logo

The Modi Government has a few strengths that really matter.

  1. Dedicated, Active Leadership.
  2. Un-corrupted ~ so far!
  3. One or two Ministers worth their weight.

But it has many liabilities, chiefly, within the party and government.

  1. The lack of real managerial and leadership talent – in the party (that’s acceptable to Modi-Shah).
    • The lack of the required dedication to the goals and integrity of the PM.
  2. The utterly defunct and corrupt administration (IAS, IPS, IRS, etc etc).
    • Generalists in an age of specialisation.
    • Corrupted to the core over 70 years by Congress.
  3. The totally loose fringe of the party that grabs headlines in a media that’s missing the old power it had during Congress rule.
  4. Far too much emphasis on event and PR by Modi himself.
  5. Failed policies and programmes are sought to be repackaged as successes! Completly believing BJP can fool all the people all the time.

Perhaps the worst of it all is that Modi has been absent from any and all domestic issues after cultivating a “hands-on” image. That has led to Indians decrying him, and foreigners applauding him. In effect, he’s been the best Foreign Affairs Minister that India has had!

The 2019 elections are approaching fast. India still believes in him, though the same can’t be said for his party. What can he do to impact the results that he can place before the people? Here’s my take:

  1. Raise the MSP for all farm products to truly remunerative levels.
  2. Remove all restrictions on the sale of food grains & vegetables across state borders.
    • I can hear “objections” say “its a state subject”. Then BJP governing in so many states can act and remove these restrictions all at once! That’ll put huge pressure on Congress-ruled ruled states by their own farmers and a national market for food grains will be born.
  3. Ensure all technology related glitches of GST are ironed out really fast and effectively.
  4. Carry out massive Police Reforms.
  5. Carry out massive Administrative Reforms.
  6. Carry out Judicial reforms, starting with appointing a Lok Pal.
  7. Revamp the BJP Party through transparent, free and fair elections conducted with the help of the Election Commission.
  8. Re-energise the anti-corruption raids, including on known BJP corrupt bigwigs.
  9. Get the rural electrification done perfectly such that individual houses actually get non-stop power supply.
  10. Sack the known failed (bigwig) Ministers and replace them with young professionally qualified leaders from all states, not just the election-bound states. After claiming caste and origins don’t matter, stop acting on that basis.

There are a large number of babus and politicians who oppose Modi secretly, including within his own party. He has little to lose since the vote comes in on his name alone. If the face of the party is changed on time and the results start being delivered, people will surely give him their vote, again.

Notice I’m not for “big spending mega projects” since they have long gestation times. That Modi should save for the first year of his 2nd term.

I have written as far back as —- asking whether Modi can manage his own party. That question is more relevant today than it had appeared to most people when I wrote it!

More to come …… later.



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