One Nation One Poll?

I’ve been FOR having one poll for all levels of governance in the past.

New India Parliament

One poll has advantages, no doubt. So I’m not going to bore you with them.

But there’s a huge disadvantage that most ordinary people like me missed out considering.

If all governments are set for fixed terms of 5 years they can do as they please! Since No Elections are there in between to apply pressure.

India’s constitution does not provide any provision for REFERENDUMS. At any level of government.

That is a crucial need if we want to switch to one election. Referendums must be required for all major policy changes. All modern democracies in the world have such referendums incorporated in their constitution.

Bulldozing this one poll gambit, without proper attendant changes will put India that is Bharat on tract for autocracy & maybe even a Presidential form of Government.



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