I really don’t need to elaborate, to any open minded person who follows Indian & Foreign Media, as to why the onslaught by Islam and other allied forces has threatened the very existence of India as a republic is under an existential threat. So I will dispense with the gory details all too often run on repeat-loops by media.
Instead, I’ll address (in my view), why the innumerable failures of this Modi-BJP Government (elaborated in my post here.) is not helping one bit. In the blog, I listed 10 “immediate” actions that Modi should take to deflate the anti-India brigade’s balloon.
Tragically, none of the 10 points in that blog have found favour by Modi and his Party. Instead, they’re busy replicating some of AAP’s programmes (imitating!). This has lost BJP innumerable urban middle class votes that they need.
As one who’s been constructively critical of Modi’s domestic governance, I find that his foreign attention focuses on winning foreign applause only. I cringe that he’ll kiss babies abroad but won’t let Indians in his own country anywhere near him. I’ve been yearning to hear Modi on so many domestic situations, especially those on fire! But he’ll give no open press conference! One way traffic, full of boasts is all we get, with absolutely no mention of how he’s handling the burning issues in India.
The proverbial “but” comes in here, to recognise the existential threat that exists in India. Not just for the Hindu majority but also for any Indian that believes in the rule of law.
The complete breakdown of law and order by every conceivable force is, tragically, complete. Whether it is the Islamic and allied anti-India onslaught, or even the basic principles of government formation (and their destruction) smacks of mega loads of corruption and use of all institutions as arms of the party in power has been going on since Indira Gandhi’s days and perfected by this Modi-BJP.
To counter the Islamic extremists, the BJP has unleashed its hindutva policy. Helps in retaining power with a huge Hindu Vote bank.
But what about the Vikas needed in governance and its Institutions?
If Modi does not deliver the fundamental slogan of Less Government and Maximum Governance, who will? Certainly not those who destroyed every social and political ethic over 65 years since Independence!
If this isn’t an existential crisis, what is?
In my worst fears, I think that if these ten issues (see blog) are ignored much longer, this failure will only lead to civil war.